February, 2025. Quantum Information Processing Conference, Raleigh, NC!
February, 2025. B.S. degree program changes accepted!
January, 2025. Welcome to the team, Connor Lewis, Prasiddha Siwakoti and Hunter Lousher!
December, 2024. Poster presentations by Caleb Hoffman, Mayley Guitard, Connor Lewis, Morgan Baker, and Nya Feinstein!
November, 2023. Multiple service and recruitment events.
October, 2024. Many thanks to SIAM and the organizers of the Quantum Intersections Convening!
September, 2024. Quantum World Congress, Washington DC, USA!
October, 2024. Research talks at the TecNM and UAC. Many thanks to the organizers!
July, 2024. 10th International Conference on Computational Social Science, PA, USA!
July, 2024. New travel award!
June, 2024. Revising existing courses and degree program.
April, 2024. Poster presentations by Caleb Hoffman, Connor Lewis, and Morgan Baker!
April, 2024. Pittsburgh Quantum Institute, PA, US, and Quantum.Tech USA, Washington DC, USA.
March, 2024. New published paper in AAAI-24!
February, 2024. New published paper in Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems!
December, 2023. Poster presentations by Daniel Campa and Allen Reese.
November, 2023. New accepted paper in LoG 2023!
November, 2023. Multiple service and recruitment events.
October, 2023. Research showcase in the DSCI club at WVU.
August, 2023. New position as Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematical and Data Sciences at West Virginia University. Let's Go... Mountaineers!
May, 2023. Multiple grant proposal and paper submissions.
April, 2023. New accepted paper in IGARSS 2023!!
March, 2023. New accepted paper in the Journal of Combinatorics!
February, 2023. Many thanks to all our team members (UTD, IIT, TU, JPL) for all your support during our mid-term report to NASA!
February, 2023. A new grant proposal is likely to be recommended for award!
January, 2023. Research talk in the School of Mathematical and Data Sciences at West Virginia University.
December, 2022. Poster presentation in the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Many thanks to our colleague Matthew Dixon!
November, 2022. Paper presentation in the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
October, 2022. New accepted paper, titled Learning on Health Fairness and Environmental Justice via Interactive Visualization, in the IEEE International Conference on BigData 2022.
October, 2022. Poster presentation in the ENVR 2022 Workshop: Environmental and Ecological Research with Societal Impacts at Provo, UT.
October, 2022. Plenary talk in the 5th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, virtual, at Oaxaca, Mexico; many thanks to the organizers!
October, 2022. New accepted paper in the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-2022). ToDD: Topological Compound Fingerprinting in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery.
September, 2022. Member of the SpatialEpi’22 program committee, 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Computing for Epidemiology.
August, 2022. New Journal Paper. Prediction of microbial growth via the hyperconic neural network approach. Chemical Engineering Research and Design.
July, 2022. Round table in the Summer Research School at the CIMAT.
June, 2022. New published paper in the 32nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE32). In Hyperconic Machine Learning to Predict Microbial Growth, we introduce ML to predict microbial growth.
June, 2022. Seminar talk in the department of Operations Research at the Naval Postgraduate School.
May, 2022. Poster presentation in the 2022 AMPS WORKSHOP at the George Mason University.
April & May, 2022. Multiple papers and grant proposal submissions.
March, 2022. Founding co-director of the new TIES Webinar Series, a joint effort with The International Environmetrics Society.
February, 2022. Multiple papers and grant proposal submissions.
January, 2022. Distinction, SNI 1.
January, 2022. We got a spotlight in the International Conference on Learning Representations, a pre-published version is already available in openreview, acceptance rate of spotlights is 5% !
January, 2022. Honorable mention for the Best Student Paper Award from the ASA Risk Analysis Section. Congratulations Zhiwei Zhen!
January, 2022 New accepted paper in the 26th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-22).
December, 2021. We got a NASA R&TD ISCP grant to apply Multiparameter Persistence in Multi-Resolution Satellite Observations.
December, 2021. Poster presentation in the AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
December, 2021. TV media appearance in Telemundo Houston.
November, 2021. New accepted paper at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-22).
November, 2021. TV media appearance in NBC 5. Many thanks to Noelle Walker and her awesome team!
October, 2021. Media appearance in The Dallas Morning News, the printed version is highlighted in the front page. Many thanks to Jordan Wilkerson, PH.D and his awesome team!
August & September, 2021. Multiple paper and grant submissions, rebuttals, etc.
August, 2021.. Paper presenter at KDD 2021, research paper Does Air Quality Really Impact COVID-19 Clinical Severity: Coupling NASA Satellite Datasets with Geometric Deep Learning".
July, 2021. Invited talk in the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Annual Meeting (AN21), Workshop Celebrating Diversity (WCD): Lessons from Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19; many thanks to [Padmanabhan Seshaiyer!
June, 2021. New accepted paper at ECML-PKDD 2021, a pre-published version is already available in their website!
June, 2021. Invited talk in the 4th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2021) at HKUST, Hong Kong; many thanks to Dorcas Ofori-Boateng and the organizers!
June, 2021. New accepted paper at KDD 2021, publicly available version soon!
May, 2021. Paper presenter at PAKDD 2021, research paper TLife-LSTM: Forecasting Future COVID-19 Progression with Topological Signatures of Atmospheric Conditions.
May, 2021. New accepted paper at ICML 2021, there were 5513 submissions this year!
April, 2021. We got an augmentation for our current award, to forecasting COVID-19 progression, from NASA ROSES-2020.
March, 2020. New accepted paper: TLife-LSTM: Forecasting Future COVID-19 Progression with Topological Signatures of Atmospheric Conditions.
March, 2021. Programme committee member of GECCO; many thanks to the organizers!
February, 2021. Invited talk in the NASA Sounder Discipline Team teleconference; many thanks to Chris Barnet and Joao Teixeira.
February, 2021. Various submissions.
January, 2021. Invited talk in the DSI’s Fair February: Data Science for Social Good at Brown University; many thanks to the organizers!
January, 2021. Successful conference management: NSF Student Conference on COVID19 Modelling. Many thanks to our colleagues for their collaboration, in particular to local chair Yulia R. Gel and research assistant Rishabh Wagh. The conference included contributed talks from undergraduate/graduate students and postdocs from U.S., Spain and Latin America.
January, 2021. My research as postdoctoral fellow, and team member of Prof. Yulia's research group, is featured in ConTexere Magazine 2020. Thank you, ConTex staff!!!
December, 2020. Got the TIES President Appreciation Award!.
December, 2020. Congratulations to our supervised student Luisa Fernanda Restrepo Torres, she graduated from the master's research program at [CIMAT](
December, 2020. Local co-organizer of NSF Student Conference on COVID19 Modelling.
November, 2020. New Journal Paper: A modified Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis approach for multifractal analysis of precipitation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.
November, 2020. Congratulations to Rishabh Wagh, Zhiwei Zhen, Felipe I. Gutierrez, and Hui Sui, for each one of their Student's presentations at 2020 Annual Meeting of the International EnviroMetrics Society - TIES2020. Mentorship. Keep moving forward!
November, 2020. Invited talk in the 2020 Annual Meeting of the International EnviroMetrics Society - TIES2020; many thanks!
November, 2020. Collaborator in the 2020 NSF PIS Workshop for the Algorithms for Modern Power Systems (AMPS) program; great presentations!, many thanks to all participants.
November, 2020. Collaborator/Visiting Researcher at NASA JPL Caltech.
November, 2020. Invited talk in the Technological Week - ISC; great organization, ITESG staff!
November, 2020. Invited talk in the COVID-2020 Workshop@ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020; thank you ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020 staff!
November, 2020. Mention in acknowledgements section of new 2020 article in Signifance How Much Can We Trust Our Politicians?, where Iliyan R. Iliev, Xin Huang and Yulia R. Gel search for clues through the analysis of political rhetoric.
October, 2020. Invited talk in the Ottawa Valley Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association; as part of the panel webinar series Environment, Climate Change and Quarantine.
October, 2020. Accepted paper in ACM SIGSPATIAL, Volume 12, Number 2: Modeling and Understanding the Spread of COVID-19.
October, 2020. My research as postdoctoral fellow, and team member of Prof. Yulia's research group, is featured in ConTex Newsletter - Volume 11. Thank you ConTex staff!!!
October, 2020. Program Committee member in the COVID-2020 Workshop ACM SIGSPATIAL 2020 - November 3, 2020, Pacific Time, Online, Seattle.
October, 2020. Results of our joint research RTI-UTDallas on forecasting of COVID-19 spread will appear in ACM SIGSPATIAL Newsletter.
August, 2020. Speaker in the Joint Statistical Meeting 2020 Virtual Conference. Contributed presentation of our research results on Dynamic Networks and TDA.
August, 2020. Invited chair in the Joint Statistical Meeting 2020 Virtual Conference. Contributed session chair: Time Series Methods.
June, 2020. We awarded a grant to forecasting COVID-19 progression from NASA ROSES-2020.
April, 2020. New Journal Paper: Geometric probabilistic evolutionary algorithm.
April, 2020. We awarded the COVID-19 RAPID grant from the NSF-DMS. Collaborative Research: Operational COVID-19 Forecasting with Multi-Source Information. Yulia R. Gel, UTDallas and Georgiy Bobashev, Research Triangle.