Conference Papers
Time-Aware Knowledge Representations of Dynamic Objects with Multidimensional Persistence
Coskunuzer, B., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Chen, Y., Gel, Y. R. (2024). AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24), acceptance rate 23.75%
EMP: Effective Multidimensional Persistence for Graph Representation Learning
Chen, Y., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Akcora, C. G., Zhen, Z., Kantarcioglu, M., Gel, Y. R., Coskunuzer, B. (2024). Second Learning on Graphs Conference (LoG-23), acceptance rate 31.14%
ToDD: Topological Compound Fingerprinting in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery
Demir, A., Coskunuzer, B., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Chen, Y., Gel, Y. R., Kiziltan, B. (2022). Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS-22), acceptance rate 25.6%
Learning on Health Fairness and Environmental Justice via Interactive Visualization
Nayeem, A., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Lee, H., Han, D., Chen, Y., Zhen, Z., Gel, Y. R., Cho, I. (2022). IEEE International Conference on Big Data, acceptance rate as short paper 18.6%
TAMP-S2GCNets: Coupling Time-Aware Multipersistence Knowledge Representation with Spatio-Supra Graph Convolutional Networks for Time-Series Forecasting
Chen, Y., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Coskunuzer, B., Gel, Y. R. (2022). International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR-22), acceptance rate as spotlight 5%
Tlife-GDN: Detecting and Forecasting Spatio-Temporal Anomalies via Persistent Homology and Geometric Deep Learning
Zhen, Z., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Chen, Y., Gel, Y.R. (2022). Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-22), acceptance rate 19.30%
Learning Space-Time Crop Yield Patterns with zigzag persistence-based LSTM: Toward More Reliable Digital Agriculture Insurance
Jiang, T., Huang, M., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Newlands, N., Gel, Y.R. (2022). AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IAAI Technical Track on Emerging Applications of AI (AAAI-22)
Hyperconic Machine Learning to Predict Microbial Growth
Cortez-Gonzalez, J., Lopez-Ramirez V., Serrano-Rubio, J.P., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Murrieta-Dueñas, R. (2021). European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 32)
Does Air Quality Really Impact COVID-19 Clinical Severity: Coupling NASA Satellite Datasets with Geometric Deep Learning
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Lee, H., Chen, Y., Garay M., Gorski K., Gel, Y. (2021). ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD'21), acceptance rate 19.6%
Topological Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Multilayer Blockchain Networks
Ofori-Boateng, D., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Akcora, C., Kantarcioglu, M., Gel, Y.R. (2021). European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD-21), acceptance rate 21%
Z-GCNETs: Time Zigzags at Graph Convolutional Networks for Time Series Forecasting
Chen, Y., Segovia-Dominguez, I., Gel, Y. R. (2021). International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-21), acceptance rate 21.5%
TLife-LSTM: Forecasting Future COVID-19 Progression with Topological Signatures of Atmospheric Conditions
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Zhen, Z., Wagh, R., Lee, H., Gel Y.R. (2021). Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'21), acceptance rate 20%
Designing the Boltzmann Estimation of Multivariate Normal Distribution
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo, Valdes S.I. (2015). IEEE Congress of Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2015)
An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm based on the Natural Gradient
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo (2015). Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2015)
A Boltzmann Multivariate Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Continuous Optimization
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Valdez, S. I., Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo (2014). International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2014)
A new EDA by a Gradient-driven Density
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo, Valdez, S. I. (2014). International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XIII)
The Gaussian Poly-Tree EDA with Copula Functions and Mutations
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Villa-Diharce, Enrique, Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo (2013). EVOLVE-A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics and Evolutionary Computation
Building Multivariate Density Functions based on Promising Direction Vectors
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo (2013). IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2013)
Global Optimization with the Gaussian Poly-Tree EDA
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo, Villa-Diharce (2011). International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2011)
The Gaussian Poly-Tree EDA for Global Optimization
Segovia-Dominguez, I., Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo, Villa-Diharce (2011). Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2011)